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Hi, Again!


Happy Tuesday, friends! Sorry for the lack of blog posts last week-I felt pretty drained after my virtual interview, but have recharged my brain! I thought I would do a re-introduce/introduce myself post. I am not sure if I have ever done a blog post like this, or the last time I did one. It has been so rewarding to see my little corner of the internet community grow, so I am sure there are some new faces around here! That is something else I am very grateful for! I am sharing some things about me here, but will also have some different facts on my Instagram @libbylovespearls later today, so check that out too! I would love to get to know you guys better- leave me a comment and tell me something about yourself 😊.

1. I have had my blog for a little over 2 years now. I really wished I would have started it sooner, but I think every says that, ahah. I started it right before I started my Master's degree because I thought it would be a good creative outlet for my brain during a very academically rigorous program. I have thought about doing a little rebrand with a new name, but I cannot come up with a new name that I like yet. I did, however, change up some of the color themes to reflect my currently taste!

2. My favorite thing in my closet is my collection of Dudley Stephens fleeces! I add quite a few during quarantine, but I seriously wear one every day. Its definitely worth the investment for one! I love the Park Slope in Vello fleece best, and wear a S or M in them. I like the M a bit better for length on my long torso!

3. I LOVE all things blue and white (see photo above, lol). There is something about that color combination that is so cozy, calming and aesthetically pleasing. It is why I am always looking for new ginger jars to add to my collection. 

4. Watching the sunset or the sunrise sparks so much joy for me, especially if it is done while enjoying a glass of bubbles! 

5. I actually enjoy studying, and really love writing posts on how to improve your study/work/school habits. I have not written a new one of these in a while, so look out for a new one soon!

Here is where to find things on the blog:

-You can shop about everything I post about in the Shop My Looks tab

-You can see all the books I have read and enjoyed in the Books tab

-You can find all of the study and work and school tips in the Study tab

If you ever have a question, need a link for something, or want to chat feel free to DM me on the 'gram, and my email is there as well, and I love responding to blog post comments! My Instagram is @libbylovespearls and you can find me in the app too with the same handle!

Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate you being here!

As always,



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