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Winter Survival pt 2- Outdoor Gear


I have tried to have a change in mindset about this winter- I have been trying to enjoy being outdoors and dressing for the weather. I do have to admit that there was a solid 2+ weeks where we had below zero weather, and it was not safe to go outside for long periods of time, and I hated it haha. But, other than that I have been trying to get outside this season, and feel it is especially important this year as we are going on almost one year of quarantine and staying home during a pandemic.

This is part 2 of a winter survival guide, and we are chatting about the best outdoor winter gear so you can enjoy the outdoors! You can read part 1 here, where I give some tips and ideas on how to keep yourself busy indoors. Here, I am going to break down the winter essentials and my favorites! [This may be the least chic look I have ever posted to the blog, but it is important information haha!]

1. Parka

The most important thing is a good winter coat/parka. Mine is from The North Face. I love this one because the inside is like a puffer, but the outside is this great untextured material that is AMAZINGLY waterproof. When I am walking in the snow (like these photos), the snow and water slides right off. Staying dry also keeps you warmer. I also recommend a long coat because there is nothing worse than a cold booty. I like to cover as much of myself as I can during winter, so a long coat is a winner!

2. Dudley Stephens Fleece

Are we shocked that this is on my winter outdoor gear guide?! But seriously, these are the best layers for cold weather. The big funnel turtleneck is so good for burying your face in to get it out of the wind and cold (of course if you are wearing mask, that does it too). The fleece is just so warm, and blocks wind way better than other fleeces. Here, I am wear the shorter Park Slope style, but I also have and the lover the longer Cobble Hill. I seriously cannot recommend one enough for cool weather (I also wear these in the summer!). (Here is $25 off your fleece!!)

3. Winter Boots

An insulated winter boot is a MUST. I got these new this season, as my other boots mysteriously disappeared while packing and moving. I have the Sorel Joan of Arctic boot in camel. Since getting them, I have worn them pretty much every time I go outside/leave the house. Your winter boots should be warm, water proof, and have some good traction for ice. I want to add that these are comfy, and never gave me blisters, even right out of the box!

4. Big Scarf

I have definitely talk about this scarf a bunch on here. But it has been my go-to scarf for almost 2.5 years. Having a big scarf is perfect because you can wear and use it so many different ways. Most importantly, a big scarf will completely cover your neck and create a wide barrier between your skin and the cold air. There is nothing worse than not having your neck covered and feeling the chill in the air. And yes, I will wear a Dudley Stephens with a big scarf because I like to be extra warm.

5. Hat

A lot of your body heat escapes from your head, so a hat is necessary in my opinion. I am really a fan of the thick knitted pom beanies that are also big enough to cover your ears. Cold ears are the worst! Beret's, headbands and ear muffs may look cute, but will most likely not keep you as warm as a standard hat!

6. Mittens

Mittens > gloves. I said it haha. I know gloves are more functional, but they are not nearly as warm as wearing mittens. I have only worn mittens my entire life, and can attest that if I had to wear gloves in a pinch, I instantly can tell that my hands are not as warm as they are in mittens. I also have Raynaud's phenomenon- basically my extremities are always cold and my fingers and toes are always purple because of lack of heat/blood flow. So trust me, mittens are the better way to go!

How fitting that it was snowing while taking these photos! Obviously, I had to try and catch some flakes on my tongue. Despite being kind of chilly, the snow was really beautiful and was so glad that we could just enjoy it as much as possible. I love this park because the little pond through it freezes over and turns into an ice skating track. I might have to go back and skate (and try not to break a bone, haha!).

As always,




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